Psalm 5:12 says God will bless the righteous and surround them as a shield with favour.
Righteousness is right standing with God and when you are the righteous, God promises to bless you. But the Scripture also says that there is none righteous (Rom 3:10). By our own religious works and performances none of us can attain righteousness. Our “self-righteousness” is profoundly lacking and inadequate when compared to the standards of God.
How then can someone become righteous before God? By simply receiving it as a gift.
2 Cor 5:21 says that Jesus who knew no sin was made sin so that we know no righteousness can be made the righteousness of God. When you put your trust in this Jesus as your God, your Lord and your Saviour, you are given this gift of being made right with God (Rom 4:5).
You are made righteous by grace and through faith, and God can now bless you and surround you with favour as a shield. Amen?
God bless you!