Ps 92:12 says “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”
Why are the righteous likened to a Palm tree?
Firstly, the palm tree is one of the very few trees that can flourish anywhere, in almost any climatic condition. It means when you are righteous by faith, you will flourish no matter where you are and what your circumstances are. You will thrive in any given situation.
Secondly, the palm tree’s root system is different from most other trees. Its roots go deeper and it is able to withstand any storm and survive without being uprooted. In the same way, the righteous cannot be uprooted. Their identity is anchored to the righteousness of God which cannot be shaken, and so when they go through a tough season, they make it through with victory.
Thirdly, there is nothing wasteful about the palm tree: every part of the palm is useful to man. In the same way, the righteous can be a blessing to the world in many ways. God uses all of his talents, skills and abilities to help the world. Friend, because you are the righteous you are fully loaded to be a blessing to someone, wherever you go. Amen?
God bless you!