When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, the only things that were destroyed in the fire were the ropes they were bound with. So even though they were in the fire they walked in it as free men.
You see, when you’re in the fire your “ropes” of limitations fall away. In other words, when situations go beyond our control, we will begin to seek God and make all efforts to set things straight in our lives. When we do that, God causes the wrong things that have held us captive to wane away.
A KEY TO REMEMBER 🔑 In the fire you can experience true freedom.
Beloved, there may be a few things in your life that has held you back from God’s best from manifesting: things like wrong friendships, unhealthy habits and time consuming useless activities. And when troubles come, even though God is not the cause, God uses them to burn our “ropes” that limit us so that we experience true freedom. Amen?
God bless you!

Psalm 5:12 says God will bless the righteous and...