Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, while they were in the fire discovered that they were free men and they began walking around in the fire. In the same way, when you are in Christ Jesus, you are completely and profoundly free on the inside. Regardless of where you are physically, your real self is free and nothing or nobody can bind the real “you”.
Beloved, in Christ Jesus you are a free person. In other words, you might be in debt but you are free. You may be fighting an illness but you are free. You may be in trouble but you are free. You may be fighting an addiction but in your true self you are free. And what do free people do? They walk!
A KEY TO REMEMBER: When you are in the fire, keep walking!
That’s what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did – they kept walking. They didn’t wait for the fire to be put out or for others to carry them out. And because they were already walking when the king called them out they were ready to come out and that’s what they did! They walked right out of the fire!
Beloved, regardless of what you’re going through when you believe that in your true self you are truly free in Christ Jesus, you will get up and walk. So get up. Keep walking. Keep doing what you are called to in whatever capacity you can. Keep being your best every day, keep marching towards your dream and soon you too will walk out of your fiery furnace in Jesus’ name! Amen?
God bless you!