When King Nebuchadnezzar sees the fourth man in the fire, he reacts in horror saying – Didn’t we throw three but I see four men walking free and the fourth man is like unto the son of God. So he calls them to them by their names to come out of the fiery furnace (He knew he couldn’t send anyone in to bring them out; they would’ve died). But here is an amazing fact – they couldn’t even smell the smell of smoke on them.
A KEY TO REMEMBER: One proof that God is with us in the fire is that when we come out of without even have the smell of smoke: In other words, you will not look like what you’ve been through.
You see, sometimes we look at someone and say – there goes the guy who lost his wife seven years ago, or there’s the lady who had this disease five years ago, or there goes that person whose spouse left them for another – that’s the smell of smoke on them. But one day when you share your story, because God was with you in your fiery furnace, people will be shocked to hear about it. They will say things like – we will never know you were in such trouble! What’s the truth? When God is with you in the trouble you will come out without even the smell of smoke on you. Amen?
God bless you!