Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were free in the fire. And what do free people do? They walk, and that’s what the three did. But little did they know that they were actually walking with God while in the fire.
A KEY TO REMEMBER: When you are in the fire it is privilege to walk with God more closely.
Friend, it is one thing to know that God is with you but it is indeed another thing to take advantage of His never-leaving-presence with you and to “walk” with Him. To walk with God means to spend time with Him, pray to Him, read His word and talk to Him about all the concerns of your heart.
When you are in a fiery furnace you come to a place where you will have the clarity and the guts to say – I cannot waste time on needless social media posts! I cannot afford to waste time with good-for-nothing friends – this is a time to seek God. This trouble is a job for God. This is too big for man and only God can save me and deliver me!
Friend, whatever situation you’re in today, your solution is in a walk with God; it’s in spending time alone with Jesus and His word. Keep walking with Him and He’ll bring you out with victory. Amen?
God bless you!