You see, when you’re in a trying situation you are left with a lot of questions bombarding your mind about life, about God and about His purpose in your life. You are then left with a choice – to either give up or to hold on to God and His promises and keep moving forward. I pray that you choose the latter and grow in faith.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego got up and walked about in the fire even though they couldn’t see God walking with them. They didn’t walk because they felt like it or because they could sense the presence of God. They walked by faith. Sometimes in life you’ve got to do like these three Jewish men: walk by faith.
You’ve got to say –
– I don’t feel like walking but I am gonna keep walking
– I’m not sure if anybody knows what I’m going through but I am going to keep walking
– I don’t know what God is doing but I am gonna keep walking
– I don’t know how or when I am going to make it out but I am gonna keep walking
Friend, God wants us to walk beyond our feelings and senses; He wants us to walk in the realm of faith everyday of our lives and all the more when we go through challenging times (2 Cor 5:7) – because in the fire is a chance to exercise your faith and stretch it to another level. Amen?
God bless you!