After King Abimelech hears from God in a dream warning him not to touch Sarah and that “prophet” Abraham will pray for the healing of his nation, he calls Abraham and Sarah the next morning to the palace and gives them sheep and oxen, men servants and maid servants and a 1000 pieces of silver (Gen 20:14,16).
Why would he do that? Let’s get this straight – Abraham and Sarah lie and put the promise of God at stake but they are being blessed and showered with presents and gifts anyways? What is happening here? You see this is the righteousness of God in him that has gone to work for his good.
Here’s a promise from God about the righteous: whatever they do prospers (Ps 1:3).
“Whatever” is “whatever”! God can use the good things as well as the mistakes you do to prosper you. Yes! Even your blunders can work for your prosperity when you know and believe that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
This is exactly what happened here: Abraham and Sarah’s mistakes were turned around for their good and they ended up coming out of the land of Philistia richer and wealthier than before. Their mistakes worked for their promotion. This one amazing blessing of the righteous and that belongs to you in Christ Jesus. Amen?
God bless you!