In Ps 92:12, God alludes the righteous to a palm tree and to a Cedar in Lebanon. We learnt in our previous devotional about what it means to flourish like the righteous.
Now why does God talk about Cedars when he talks about those that are made righteous by faith? Here are a few interesting facts about the Cedar –
The Cedar tree is the largest tree known to the people in ancient Israel.
King Solomon used Cedar tree as the predominant wood in the construction of the temple.
Cedars have a natural immunity to infection and corruption by infects and hence they survive for thousands of years. One report says they can survive for nearly 5 millenniums. That is why they symbolize resilience, immortality, strength and elevation.
(Cedars are mentioned a 103 times in the Scripture. The Bible says “Cedars of Lebanon” quite often because the mountains of Lebanon were once covered with cedar trees. Even today Lebanon has numerous natural reserves filled with Cedar trees. And the national emblem of Lebanon is the Cedar Tree).
Friend, because you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you will grow mightily like a Cedar tree. You live long on the earth full of God’s goodness and grace; you can live disease free and worry free like the Cedar tree. Amen?
God bless you!