When God appeared to Abimelech and told him not to touch Sarah, He also told him that Abraham was a prophet and that when he prays the whole nation will be healed of barrenness (Gen 20:7).
Here’s the truth: The righteous have an open access to God and God answers their prayers in spite of their shortcomings. Here are a few verses that attest to this truth –
- The prayer of the righteous is God’s delight (Pro 15:8)
- The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry (Ps 34:15)
- The righteous cry, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles (Ps 34:17)
Beloved, even though Abraham lied and failed in his duties as a husband in guarding Sarah, God heard his prayers and to topped it all up by calling him a “prophet”!! In the same way, because you trust in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you are made righteous and when you pray God listens to you and answers you. So pray today and see your needs being met in Jesus’ Name. Amen?
God bless you!