When we read about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s experience in the fiery furnace it reminds us of the life of Apostle Paul.
You know, no one could really keep Apostle Paul down. One time, they threw him into the prison along with Silas, a prophet. At midnight, they both start singing praises to God. In other words, he was saying “My hands and feet may be tied but my spirit is free in Christ Jesus and therefore I can never be captive!”
Paul knew that he was truly free regardless of where he was, and he started doing what he always did: sing praises to God and worship Him. He started “walking in the fire” so to speak, and like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, he was just moments away from walking right out of it.
Suddenly there was an earthquake and the doors of the prison opened and the chains fell off their hands and feet! They received favor in the eyes of the prisoner who took them to his home to wash their wounds and to give them food and bind their wounds. To cut a long story short, they were released the very next morning with due apologies from the authorities.
Friend, regardless of the fiery furnace you may be in today, I urge you to get up and walk. Wake up the ‘worshiper’ in you and start praising him because those that are truly free on the inside will worship Him anywhere, anytime. You’re that worshiper. You’re that free person. When you do that, God will show up in power and bring you out of your fiery furnace in Jesus’ name. Amen?
God bless you!

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