In Ps 23, the Psalmist expounds on his journey with the good Shepherd. He has a great journey for the first part of the song: he is on the green pastures and beside the still waters and right on track in the paths of righteousness.
But at one point (v.4) he finds himself in a valley called “the valley of the shadow of death” he takes his worship to the next level. Up until verse 3 He is talking about God but when he is in the valley, he starts talking to Him. He says “Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. You are with me.” He took advantage of the presence of God with Him and started to practice it in the valley.
Notice the Psalmist says “Though I walk through” He knew that he didn’t have to stay in the valley, and just like the three Hebrew youngsters he “walked right through” his fiery experience and made it to a feast that God had prepared for him (Ps 23:5).
Friend, you might be in a valley today. But if you will capitalize on the presence of God with you and walk with God so to speak, He will bring you out and cause you to sit at the feast that’s already prepared for you, a feast of God’s goodness, favor and promotion. Amen?
God bless you!

As we come to the end of this devotional series,...